Monday, October 7, 2013


The plan for the week was to lay low and see if Brinley would come on her own. On Tuesday night we would go in to prepare for a Wednesday morning induction. On Saturday we got  a call from our doctor saying that our hospital was getting pretty full for Wednesday and we would possibly have to deliver at another hospital, unless we wanted to come in sooner. So! We decided we would go in Sunday night to prepare for a Monday morning induction.
When I arrived the nurse went over the plan. I was to take a pill at 10:00 p.m. that would soften my cervix to be sure it was ready for induction in the morning along with an Ambien to help me sleep. At approximately 7:00 a.m. they would begin induction and Brinley would arrive sometime in the Monday afternoon hours. 
Of course, the plan changed drastically after taking the 10:00 p.m. pill and ambien. The pill I took is an antacid that has a side effect of "ripening" or softening the cervix to prepare for labor and delivery. It can occasionally begin labor in a small percentage of women, and well, I was in that tiny percentile. At 10:00 p.m. I took the pill, at 11:00 p.m. I ordered an ambien to help me sleep. At midnight my water broke and I was having noticeable contractions that I was having to breathe through.
The contractions became stronger and at approximately 2:00 a.m. they called in the anesthesiologist to deliver my epidural. Once they began the epidural I passed out, exhausted from 2 hours of hard contractions.
Once my water broke Clint woke up and the nurse told him to be prepared to have a baby sooner rather than later. He drank 2 cups of coffee and had a little snack and he was wired! So after I fell asleep once my epidural was in place he layed there watching the monitor. I was having major contractions during my sleep and snoring away! 
At 5:00 a.m. they came to wake me and told me we were going to start pushing. From then on it was 3 pushes with every contraction. Dr. Gina showed up just before Brinley was born. I gave her one last push once she got there and out she came in one swoop! A beautiful baby girl weighing in at 7# 7oz. and 19 1/2 inches long. Best day of our lives! We love her so much and I can't believe all we have been through just in the 2 weeks we have had her home!

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