Saturday, March 16, 2013

Moving Right Along

I've been cheating on my doctor, with myself. I brought the doppler home about 3 weeks ago and have been listening once a week since. It's so amazing hearing baby's heartbeat and knowing that it's ok in this little body. Heartbeat this week was 160 BPM. The old wives tale suggests if it's over 130, it's a boy. Clint says he would hate for me to get off so easy and have a boy the first time.
For those who don't know the story, our marriage was pretty much based on the fact that we would have to have a boy to carry on the Bowen legend. Needless to say, I'm a little nervous about getting my father's bad luck. However, 5 girls later, he had a boy, so there's hope. Eek.
Feeling pretty good the past couple weeks, only dry heaving every other morning now and I have a bit more energy. I'm finding myself more irritable. These hormones are no joke. Today I was in Target reading happy cartoon-like birthday cards for my nephew and blubbering like someone had just punched me in the face. It's a rollercoaster trying to decide what mood I'm in and I experience every emotion at least once a day. Unstable much?
It's weird to see how my belly is ballooning, slowly but surely. I broke down and bagged up all my cute, skinny girl clothes in anticipation for the monster tumor I will soon inherit. It wasn't as depressing as I thought and actually made me feel good that perhaps after this child comes I will no longer have to shop in the juniors section for clothes that fit. Lord knows some of the new trends just aren't quite my syle. The new belly band is really comfortable and I feel like a rebel not having to button my jeans. I feel quite exposed after eating and occasionally it slips up, showing everyone what flavor underwear I'm wearing that day. Quite embarrasing but entertaining for a good read.
That's all for now, can't wait to see how far along I am and finally expose to the world I am pregant.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

January 28, 2013

As many of you know, Clint and I found out we were pregnant for the first time in July of last year. We were overjoyed and had begun planning for the April arrival of baby Bowen. On October 16, I woke up and could not hear the babies heartbeat for a 3rd day in a row. I was becoming concerned and called to get an appointment right away. It was a day Clint and I will never forget. As Dr. Faust brought baby Bowen on the screen, I could tell it was small, his umbilical cord was non-existent, and it had no heartbeat.
We mourned, no doubt. The weeks went by and it became much easier to talk about and try again. Towards the beginning of January I had a couple off days, nausea, exhausted, but didn't think much of it. By the end of January I had lost track of my lady time of the month and decided, what the heck, I'll take a pregnancy test.
The evening of January 28th, my test was positive!
Scared and excited we begin planning once more...