Tuesday, April 2, 2013

14 Weeks, Happy Easter!

I have decided I am terrible at posting. I will attempt to do better.
Our first appointment for baby Bowen was last Wednesday. Clint and I had made bets on how far along I was, so he said 12 weeks, I said 14 weeks. It was a mother's instinct, I knew I was right on.
Sure enough 14 weeks was the measurements we came up with. Surprising I had only gained 3 pounds in the 3 1/2 months, feels like 10! Baby Bowen was healthy and mobile as ever! Somersaulting and such, the coffee I drank that morning to wake it up probably didn't help either. Needless to say we only had about one picture that was even decent because it would NOT stay still. The one picture I will not forget was the crotch shot it gave us. I told Clint it was a sign that it's a boy, he was showing me his not quite yet formed penis. I've decided it's a boy, Clint isn't convinced.
On the other side of the world, the house side of our world, if I hadn't mentioned it our house got a cash offer a couple weeks ago. They only gave us 3 weeks to move in, so it's been a scramble to either find a house or an apartment. Neither has been much of a success, but we may learn what it would be like to raise a newborn baby in an apartment. The Denver housing market is quite competitive and unfortunately not too much to offer. But in the long run it will all be well.


  1. You look amazing!!! So happy for you!

  2. that better be decaf coffee you're drinking!!

