Sunday, April 28, 2013

Week 18, Welcome Spring!

Weeks along? 18

Baby’s Size: Sweet Potato, 5.6 inches long, 6.7 oz.
Cravings: Ice Cream and Lemon Drops
Sleeping: Still sleeping well, and it’s getting better, I find bed time gets earlier and earlier for me
Maternity Clothes: Yes, realizing the belly band is not cutting it anymore.
Morning Sickness? I haven’t puked for a week! I am so excited!
Stretch Marks: No and I am religiously applying my stretch cream.
Movement: Oh yes! Baby Bowen is on the move, occasionally kicking but moving all the time.
Pains: Back pain still and swollen feet, can’t wait to get the clear for a massage.
Iny or Outy: Iny
Mood for the most part: Happy, unless I’m hungry, then don’t mess with me!
What you miss: I told Clint last night I have started to miss my Cherry Vanilla Dr. Peppers again, and whiskey on occasion.
Most excited about: Still excited for our big appointment May 9th! And for those of you who know how pencil straight my hair is, you can see my hair is turning a little wavy! Exciting!

HOME UPDATE:  Still shopping for the home. Market is running out of houses for all the buyers like us, so competition is fierce and frustrating for sure. Our new realtor Jesse is working hard and has shown us some great houses. Praying God sends us the right one in the right place and we can start to focus on planning for baby Bowen.

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