Saturday, September 21, 2013

Week 40, D-day!

Weeks along? 40

Baby’s Size? Jackfruit, 18.9-20.9 inches, 6.2-9.2 lb.
Cravings? Chocolate, glad I have only craved it the last week.
Sleeping? I fall asleep about 3:00 a.m. and wake up about 5 or 6 hours later, I’m still a pretty light sleeper.
Maternity Clothes? Yes, and Clint’s shirts.
Morning Sickness? Nope.
Stretch Marks? Still just the two smaller ones on each side of my lower abdomen.
Movement? Yes, she still enjoys sleeping on the right side of my belly.
Pains? Yes, sharp pains in my abdomen have had me on my toes all week, but the doctor says it’s ok as long as it isn't coming with closer contractions or any other labor concerns.
Iny or Outy? Flat
Mood for the most part? Happy, anxious, tired.
Anything you miss? Sleeping on my stomach.
Most excited about? Having baby Bowen on Monday! If I don’t go into labor by tomorrow night they are going to have me come in and induce me on Monday. Can’t wait to welcome baby Bowen into the world!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Week 39, Come On Baby!

Weeks along? 39

Baby’s Size? Watermelon, 18.9-20.9 inches, 6.2-9.2 lb.
Cravings? Sweet tea and pretzels is our favorite snack every day.
Sleeping? Since the weather has been cooler the past couple days, we have been able to keep the windows open and it’s so chilly in our room. First time in months I have slept with a blanket.
Maternity Clothes? Yes, but mostly Clint’s shirts which fit me quite nicely.
Morning Sickness? Nope.
Stretch Marks? I have noticed 2 small stretch marks on either side of my belly, only I would notice them and I think they’ll go away.
Movement? Yes, however lately she has been taking up home on the right side of my belly only! Turns my belly to look weird because it rides high on one side.
Pains? Been better this week, feet haven’t been as swollen with the cooler weather and the fact that the bigger I get, the less I want to be on my feet.
Iny or Outy? Still flat, but if she stays in any longer it’s going to pop!
Mood for the most part? Happy yet tired. It’s been fun, but time for her to come on out!
Anything you miss? Getting off my reclining chair without assistance and sleeping on my stomach. That will be the first thing I attempt after she is born and I get to sleep a little in the hospital.
Most excited about? Having this baby! We are sooo ready. It’s causing me some serious anxiety that I have this great little room all ready and it’s not getting any use! 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Week 38, The Waiting Game!

Weeks along? 38

Baby’s Size? Pumpkin, 18.9-20.9 inches, 6.2-9.2 lb.
Cravings? No real cravings this week, in fact I’ve been less hungry than usual.
Sleeping? Back to rolling and turning and spending most of the night getting comfortable. I don’t fall asleep until about 2:00 in the morning, so I sleep till about 9:00.
Maternity Clothes? Yes, but those are quickly wearing out the bigger I get.
Morning Sickness? No, I’ve actually been having evening nausea, not fun.
Stretch Marks? Not on my belly but I have noticed a couple on my chest, those boobs just grew and haven’t stopped!
Movement? She’s moved more in the past week than she has for about a month, makes me feel like she is going to take her sweet time coming into this world.
Pains? My feet and back are taking a toll on the weight, I’m going to feel so light when she is born!
Iny or Outy? Still flat, Clint says she is going to pop it out on her way out just to give us a good laugh.
Mood for the most part? Happy yet still all the emotions are kicking in about labor and the aftermath of bringing her home for the first time.
Anything you miss? Being able to sit up in one swift motion, makes for a long trip to the bathroom in the middle of the night.
Most excited about? My house is spotless! Clint says it looks like we have been living here for years, and I love it. Definitely not worried about the house being clean, you can’t even tell two dogs live here. In fact it’s mostly the man I am cleaning up after if anyone can believe that! 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Week 37, New Home!

Weeks along? 37

Baby’s Size? Winter melon, 18.9-20.9 inches, 6.2-9.2 lb.
Cravings? Ice Cream! Our favorite of the week was a root beer float!
Sleeping? Actually sleeping a little better this week, I think I’m just so tired from the move and putting the house together.
Maternity Clothes? Yes, can’t wait to be back in a pair of jeans.
Morning Sickness? Nope.
Stretch Marks? No, but my linea is just beginning to show.
Movement? She’s moving all the time still, but she has dropped and has less room, so I feel her a little less and I know she is still active down there.
Pains? My back is straining a bit from the weight of my belly.
Iny or Outy? It’s flat!
Mood for the most part? Happy, getting more emotional as the time comes closer. I am also having more anxiety about things being clean.
Anything you miss? Normal sized toes, my poor pigs are so swollen!
Most excited about? Getting to actually do all the things that I have prepared for, for the past 9 months. We had childbirth class this weekend and it was quite helpful. After watching an actual birth Clint turned to me and expressed to the whole class how it was “just like a cow”! At our appointment last week our doctor told us we were 1 cm. dilated and 80% effaced, meaning we will be holding her vs. having her on our due date. Getting anxious and nervous and hoping I have everything I need together for her first weeks here at home.
Home Update: House is unpacked and the nesting has begun. Clint is enjoying working from home and I've enjoyed having him around to do a few little chores here and there so I don’t over-do it. The house is more than I expected and it’s going to be a great place for a family. Our neighbors are great and have already shared veggies from their gardens. The dogs have enjoyed the big yard and it’s so nice to give them a place to run around after having four months without a yard or a porch.